Green colour bars based on a 5-bit resolution
(the resolution used for red and blue in the 16-bit (256-colour) model)


(Intensity values used here: #008000 and #008800)


The same colour bars, based on a 6-bit resolution
(the resolution of green in the 16-bit (256-colour) model)


(Intensity values used here: #008000 and #008400)


Variation using 7-bit resolution
(half the resolution of each colour in the 24-bit (16.7 million colour) model)


(Intensity values used here: #008000 and #008200)


The standard JPG 8-bit resolution
(the resolution of each colour in the 24-bit (16.7 million colour) model)


(Intensity values used here: #008000 and #008100)